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Round Steel Bars (Rolled Steel Products of Round Section)


Metallinvest Company offers a wide choice of round steel bars at attractive prices in the city of Atyrau along with very beneficial terms of delivery for constant clients.

Round steel bars are employed in many industries. To name a few: machine-building, energy sector, machine tool technology, ship-building, and construction. Many production facilities use those products as template bars for further steel elements. They serve to produce bolts, faucets, nuts, valves, conductors, and so much more.
Prices on round steel bars depend on the order volumes. Should you find any better proposal that ours, you are welcome to call our manager and get an additional discount.

Выбранный филиал: Атырау  

Наименование (Диаметр, Длина) Price Quan-ty Total cost Buy
6,5 x 11,7 {m}, 3,3 {kg} тг. . тг.
8 x 6 {m}, 2,5 {kg} тг. . тг.
10 x 6 {m}, 3,8 {kg} тг. . тг.
12 x 6 {m}, 5,5 {kg} тг. . тг.
14 x 11,7 {m}, 14,5 {kg} тг. . тг.
16 x 11,7 {m}, 18,8 {kg} тг. . тг.
18 x 11,7 {m}, 24 {kg} тг. . тг.
20 x 11,7 {m}, 29,5 {kg} тг. . тг.
22 x 11,7 {m}, 35,9 {kg} тг. . тг.
25 x 11,7 {m}, 47,2 {kg} тг. . тг.
28 x 6 {m}, 29 {kg} тг. . тг.
30 x 6 {m}, 35 {kg} тг. . тг.
32 x 11,7 {m}, 74,3 {kg} тг. . тг.
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